Q: Students, others may be asking themselves, “what kind of world are we living in?” after Sunday’s terrible massacre in Las Vegas. And there’s so much that are bombarded in the news these days with one massacre out of after another violence and hatred all over the world, and practice by all religions. Not just Christians and Muslims but Buddhists and Miamians in Sri Lanka and plus World War II in Japan. But there’s so much now that people are hearing they may really be disconcerted a great deal and wonder “what do I do about this?” There’s no hope. It’s so awful. I think Buddhism really addresses this partly in the concept of Samsara. So I wonder how you might explain to people how to keep going in a time that seems worse than others. Thank you.
What is the Purpose of Life?
Question: "I want to understand the purpose and the meaning of my life. Do you believe you are born with...